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Want to get involved?
The clubs and associations listed below are all under AUS and we encourage you to get to know and get involved with!
If you are interested in getting involved, do not hesitate to email the club or follow their social media accounts for more information.
Association of Political Science Students
IG: @wluapss
Association of Sussex at Laurier
IG: @sussex_laurier
Communication Students' Association (CSA)
IG: @wlucsa
English Student Association
IG: @esawlu
Filmmakers of Laurier
IG: @filmmakersoflaurier
Global Studies Student Association
IG: @wlu_gssa
Her Campus Wilfrid Laurier
IG: @hercampuslaurier

International Education Studies Association
IG: @ieslaurier

Laurier ArchiDesign
IG: @laurier_archidesign
Laurier Creative Writing Society
IG: @lcwswlu
Laurier Model United Nations
IG: @laurier.mun
Laurier Moot Court
IG: @lauriermoot
Laurier Pre-Law Society
IG: @laurierprelawsociety
Laurier Sociology Students Association (LSSA)
IG: @laurierlssa

Medieval Students Society
IG: @wlumedievalstudentssociety
Mock Trial Laurier
IG: @mocktriallaurier

Philosophy Club
IG: @wluphilosophyclub
Women in Law Laurier
IG: @wblaurier

WLU Archaeology Society
IG: @wluarchaeologysociety
WLU Film Society
IG: @wlufilmsociety
AUS Hiring
Currently, we do not have any job openings. Please visit our website or social media regularly to check for available positions in the future.
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